

Integral Low Finned Tubes

Fin Tube By Double Layer Metal

■ Integral Low Finned Tubes

Increase surface area of tubes, Improves efficiency of heat exchangers and more compact size. Inner Fin, Outer Fin or both Inner and Outer Fin are available.
Tube Materials: Copper, Aluminum Brass, Copper Nickel and other Copper Alloy.
Fin Pitch: 19 to 26 Fin Per Inch.

■ Spiral Finned Tubes

We produced Spiral High Finned Tubes base tube material: Copper and Copper Alloy Tubes, Duplex Tubes and other alloy.
Tube Outside Diameter: from 10mm to 50mm
Fin Materials: Aluminum and Copper Max. tubes.
Length: up to 15 meter.
Fin pitch: 7, 9, 10..13, 14 mm Fin Per Inch.
Fin height: 6mm to 12mm

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Next product:Nickel Alloy Tube